The LMCC will be closed for maintenance on the weekend of August 24 & 25, 2023
Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor Public Meeting
Florida Public Commission Meeting
August 3rd 9am - 1pm; 102 M.L. King Avenue St. Augustine, FL/Hybrid
The GGC Commission will conduct its’ next quarterly, public meeting at the Lincolnville Museum and Cultural Center in St. Augustine, FL. Member of the public are invited to make presentations about issues impacting Gullah Geechee communities, land and culture. To request time on the agenda, email Amanda Jackson at ajackson@gullahgeecheecorridor.org

Guided Civil Rights Tour
Learn about St. Augustine’s Civil Rights history with the LMCC’s Guided Civil Rights Tour. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the local movement and signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the LMCC is having guided tours for guests to experience our updated Civil Rights exhibit and gain knowledge of the local Civil Rights protests and remarkable activists, and how the movement in St. Augustine made a national impact. The tour is free with registration and will start at 5:00 PM on Tuesdays, June 11th, 18th, and 25th.

Dana King at the LMCC
Nationally-acclaimed sculptor Dana King will present a collage of her works at the LMCC on Tuesday, June 25 at 3:00 PM. King, a former CBS affiliate anchor in San Francisco, is pursuing her passion for art.
She is known for creating public monuments such as “Guided by Justice,” located at the Peace and Justice Memorial in Alabama. The monument includes three bronze women honoring the women activists of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
This event is free with registration as part of the LMCC 60th Civil Rights anniversary programs. Please stay for a guided museum tour that will be offered after at 5:00 PM highlighting St. Augustine’s contributions to the Movement.
The Lincolnville Museum and Cultural Center is located at 102 M L King Ave, St. Augustine, FL 32084. Please register for Dana King’s presentation via Eventbrite.

Guided Civil Rights Tour
Learn about St. Augustine’s Civil Rights history with the LMCC’s Guided Civil Rights Tour. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the local movement and signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the LMCC is having guided tours for guests to experience our updated Civil Rights exhibit and gain knowledge of the local Civil Rights protests and remarkable activists, and how the movement in St. Augustine made a national impact. The tour is free with registration and will start at 5:00 PM on Tuesdays, June 11th, 18th, and 25th.

Eleventh Annual Commemoration of Largest Mass Arrest of Rabbis
The Eleventh Annual Commemoration of the largest mass arrest of Rabbis in US History will take place outdoors at the Hilton St. Augustine Historic Bayfront, 32 Avenida Menendez, St. Augustine, at 12 noon, Sunday, June 18th. This 30 minute event sponsored by the St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society, is free and all are welcome.

Juneteenth Heritage Luncheon and Celebration
The LMCC Juneteenth 2024 activities include a three for one celebration of music, historical dialogue and an anniversary kickoff presentation. The LMCC’s Annual Juneteenth Heritage Luncheon on June 15th features award winning saxophonist Marcus Click, a conversation with Civil Rights activists from 1964 and a historic prelude on the Excelsior High School 100th Anniversary.
The LMCC is proud to present Marcus Click, an award winning and successful saxophonist, as the musical guest for the luncheon. Marcus Click committed over 13 years of his life to the U.S. Navy and during this time, his love for jazz grew by listening and learning from the late Grover Washington, Jr., David Sanborn and Kirk Whalum, to name a few. His goals changed and he pursued a career in music. In 2019, Marcus won the AMG’s Instrumentalist of the Year Award.
As it is the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement, the LMCC has selected a line up of panelists that will engage in a conversation about their personal accounts as Civil Rights activists from 1964. Panelists include Charlie Cobb (journalist, professor, and former activist with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), Maude Burroughs Jackson (Clay County resident and activist who protested in St. Augustine), and James Jackson (Civil Rights activist who was abducted by the Ku Klux Klan). Guests are encouraged to ask questions and learn more.
Additionally, the Juneteenth Heritage Luncheon and Celebration will serve as the kickoff celebration of the Excelsior High School building's 100th year anniversary. The Excelsior High School was the first public Black high school in St. Johns County. Construction of the building started in 1924 and the first class entered in 1925.
The event is on Saturday, June 15th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Renaissance St. Augustine, 6 W. Castillo Drive. Tickets are $75 per person and are available on Eventbrite and at the museum front desk.

Guided Civil Rights Tour
Learn about St. Augustine’s Civil Rights history with the LMCC’s Guided Civil Rights Tour. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the local movement and signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the LMCC is having guided tours for guests to experience our updated Civil Rights exhibit and gain knowledge of the local Civil Rights protests and remarkable activists, and how the movement in St. Augustine made a national impact. The tour is free with registration and will start at 5:00 PM on Tuesdays, June 11th, 18th, and 25th.

LMCC Civil Rights Exhibit Opening Ceremony
Visit the LMCC on Tuesday, June 11th at 1:30 PM for the opening ceremony of our new and improved Civil Rights Exhibit. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the local movement and signing of the Civil Rights Act, the LMCC is updating their exhibit to enhance the current artifacts and events of the movement. It will also feature and interactive display with interviews of national and local Civil Rights activists who worked together in St. Augustine to fight against segregation and racial discrimination with national impact. Admission is free with registration.

“Before Juneteenth: Emancipation in Florida” Watch Party + Q&A
Experience the mini-documentary “Before Juneteenth: Emancipation in Florida” at a watch party at the LMCC on May 17th at 3:00 PM. The documentary contextualizes the process of emancipation as it occurred in Florida and highlights those who are preserving the legacy of the 20th of May celebrations across the state. Commentary by the LMCC’s Executive Director, Regina Gayle Phillips, is featured in the documentary. Following the watch party, there will be a virtual Q & A with Dr. Tameka Hobbs (Historian, educator, and activists), Charlene Farrington (Museum Director of Spady Cultural Heritage Museum), Dinizulu Gene Tinnie (Artist, educator, and activist), and Brittany Flowers (Filmmaker). The documentary viewing and virtual Q & A is included in the $10 admission fee and is free to members. Seating is first come, first serve.

An Afternoon with the San Marco Chamber Music Society
Join us for a music history program at the LMCC on May 11th at 3 pm and get a lesson from Black composers from around the world. The San Marco Chamber Music Society will conduct a performance featuring the works of Joseph Chevalier de St George, Scott Joplin, Florence Price, Kathryn Bostic, Fred Onovwerosuoke, and Joseph Copeland Garland. The program will be presented, with flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and viola. The musicians playing are Les Roettges, Patrick Graham, Maya Stone, Eric Olson, and Ellen Olson.
Additionally, the Ovico Gallery will be set up in the LMCC to join in the day’s celebration. Ovico Gallery, St. Augustine’s exceptional African Contemporary Art Gallery, will feature a diverse group of paintings from their exclusive collection of pieces by Chike Onuorah, Nigerian D’Artist renowned for his unique techniques that create his memorable and one-of-a-kind masterpieces. These beautiful artworks will be available for purchase at the event.
The artworks will be on display starting at 2 pm, followed by the musical performance at 3. Concessions will be sold during the performance. Tickets are $25 per person and are available online on Eventbrite, at the LMCC front desk, and at the door the day of the event.

CANCELLED - Remembering June, 1964 - a Retrospective 60 years Later
UPDATE: Due to lack of ticket sales, this event is cancelled. Please attend "Standing Together for Justice" on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 7:00 pm hosted by the Temple Bet Yam. Visit this site for ticket sales to that event.
Please email Carol McCuskey for more information about the "Standing Together for Justice" event: carolconsulting@bellsouth.net
On May 4th at 4:00 PM at the Lincolnville Museum and Cultural Center there will be a Remembering June, 1964 - a Retrospective 60 years Later Event focusing on the 16 Rabbis who were arrested in St. Augustine. This event was the largest mass arrest of rabbis in US history in which the 16 rabbis participated and helped facilitate the Monson Motor Lodge wade-in protest.
The rabbis came in response to a letter written by Dr. King addressed to the CCAR Conference (Central Conference of American Rabbis). The rabbis felt strongly about standing up for human rights in which they "realized that injustice in St. Augustine, as anywhere else, diminishes the humanity of each of us" (https://rac.org/why-we-went-joint-letter-rabbis-arrested-st-augustine, and were arrested the same day that the pool incident happened at the Monson). On June 17, 2014, six of the original group returned to the city to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. The video presentation will go into detail on their return to St. Augustine. There will be a discussion of the video and a musical performance by Rob Tobias.
Tickets are $5 per person and are available on Eventbrite. This presentation will be on the upstairs floor of the LMCC.

Little Satchmo Documentary Screening
Join us at the LMCC for a screening of the internationally-acclaimed, emmy-winning Little Satchmo documentary on Friday, April 26th, 2024 at 6:00 pm. Following the screening will be a virtual Q & A with Louis Armstrong's daughter, Sharon Preston-Folta.
To the world, Louis Armstrong is iconic — a symbol of musical genius, unparalleled success, and unassailable character. To Sharon, he was simply Dad. Armstrong’s wholesome, non-threatening image preserved his singular career as a black performer with unfettered access to a white man's world. Yet he was more than a caricature. In private, he held tightly to the things he loved. Perhaps closest to his heart was a child whom he hid from the world: a daughter sworn to a life of secrecy until now.
Doors open at 5:30 PM and the screening will start at 6:00 PM. Concessions will be sold at the screening. Tickets will be $15 per person available online via Eventbrite. Parking is available for free at the front and back of the building and also paid parking across the street.
Read more about Little Satchmo and it’s international recognition:

Women Who Made A Difference - Cora Tyson Exhibit
Visit the newest addition to the Women Who Made a Difference exhibit: Cora Tyson! A beloved member of the community and still serving others at 100 years old, she housed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other Civil Rights activists in her home in Lincolnville. Learn more about Cora Tyson and all her achievements in the newest edition of the exhibit, opening on Friday, March 22nd, 2024 at 10:30 am.

Youth Symposium
The Nu Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is hosting a youth symposium at the Solomon Calhoun Community Center located at 1300 Duval Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 on March 2, 2024 from 9 AM to Noon.
The event is for ages 12-18 where they will cover topics such as mental health, physical health, and financial literacy. Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or pressing the button below to the direct link.

The Witness Play
See The Witness, a play by the late Lee Weaver about redemption during the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, at the Center for Spiritual Living on Saturday, February 24th at 7 PM. This will be the first time The Witness will be produced with different actors! It will be performed by Jim Cadigan as Bo and Margaret Kaler as MJ.
The tickets are $20 per person. Text or call 904-806-5565 to make a reservation.

Florida State University Black History Month School of Information Lecture Series
Join the Florida State University School of Information's Black History Month Lecture series. Our executive director, Regina Gayle Phillips, will host next week's lecture and discuss the deeply-rooted African American history in Florida.
The lecture will take place via Zoom on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM.
Please use the following link to access the zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/my/barnesmitchell
Passcode: 1967

Museum After Hours
Join the LMCC for a series of special Museum After Hours open house dates throughout the month of February! Peruse the exhibits with over 500 years of rich African American history and cultural heritage in St. Augustine. Admission during this time will be reduced to $5 flat rate for all visitors with a Saint Johns County ID!
The last event of this series will take place on Thursday February 22 at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Museum After Hours events will consist of exhibit talks, music and refreshments as guests enjoy the history that the LMCC has to offer.

Black History Month Block Party
Join Flagler College to celebrate Black History Month with crafts, outdoor games, vendors, entertainment, community organizations, and fun.
The Black Student Union at Flagler College is hosting a Black History Month Block Party on Saturday, February 17 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. The event will take place at Flagler College West Lawn at 44 Sevilla Street, St. Augustine FL 32084.

Lincolnville Town Hall
Join the Lincolnville Historic Preservation and Restoration Society (LHPRS) at the Lincolnville Museum and Cultural Center on Saturday, February 17th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM for a Black History Town Hall Meeting. This Town Hall Meeting is free and open to the public to discuss current issues affecting the Lincolnville community.
The meeting will have speakers from the Supervisor of Elections Office, Representatives from the City of St. Augustine, Property Appraiser’s Office, and the Tax Collectors Office.
For more information visit www.LHPRS.org or call (904) 762-9338

Museum After Hours
Join the LMCC for a series of special Museum After Hours open house dates throughout the month of February! Peruse the exhibits with over 500 years of rich African American history and cultural heritage in St. Augustine. Admission during this time will be reduced to $5 flat rate for all visitors with a Saint Johns County ID!
The event will take place on the following days:
Thursday February 15 at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday February 22 at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Museum After Hours events will consist of exhibit talks, music and refreshments as guests enjoy the history that the LMCC has to offer.

LMCC at the Flagler County Public Library
Join the Lincolnville Museum and Cultural Center at the Flagler County Public Library on Saturday, February 3rd at 10 AM to learn about the heritage and culture we preserve at the museum. Hear the executive director, Gayle Phillips, speak on the LMCC and the importance of the museum and the Black history in St. Augustine.

Museum After Hours
Join the LMCC for a series of special Museum After Hours open house dates throughout the month of February! Peruse the exhibits with over 500 years of rich African American history and cultural heritage in St. Augustine. Admission during this time will be reduced to $5 flat rate for all visitors with a Saint Johns County ID!
The event will take place on the following days:
Friday February 2 at 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Friday February 2nd is one of many of the First Friday Art Walks in St. Augustine. While walking through historic St. Augustine, add the LMCC to your route and explore the museum!
Thursday February 15 at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday February 22 at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Museum After Hours events will consist of exhibit talks, music and refreshments as guests enjoy the history that the LMCC has to offer.

Howard University’s Black Community State of Emergency Zoom Meeting
Our Black history and future is in a “State of Emergency!”
Join Howard University on Zoom on Thursday, January 18th, 2024 at 6:30pm, to discuss the current efforts to undermine the importance of teaching accurate history within the Diaspora of Black and Indigenous peoples of Color.
Let us magnify our past with all the current power we have to define our future! It is crucial that we initiate and host a meeting where community stakeholders and students can begin to discuss strategies and active methods to safeguard the truths of our sacred collective past.
Meeting ID: 844 7874 9563
Passcode: 210379

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The LMCC will be open from 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We encourage you to visit the museum to learn about the rich Civil Rights history in Lincolnville and how Martin Luther King Jr. had a role in the movement here locally.
Every year The King Center has a theme that represents the work, impact, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and 2024’s theme is It Starts With Me: Shifting the Cultural Climate through the Study and Practice of Kingian Nonviolence. Martin Luther King Jr.’s nonviolent protest practice spread around our country and the evidence of his impact can be seen in Lincolnville’s history. Martin Luther King Jr. peacefully protested and held demonstrations in St. Johns County with Dr. Robert B. Hayling, a local dentist and advisor to the Youth Council of the city’s branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.